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tofuqueen tofuqueen is offline
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Default Cooking magazines

Jude wrote:
> merryb wrote:
> > Gotta vent a little. I cancelled subscriptions to both Bon Appetit and
> > Gourmet becauce of the overwhelming amount of ads. It ****es me off to
> > find more ads than articles. Even Sunset is driving me nuts. I
> > understand the mags need to printy ads, but give me a break...The only
> > mag I will subscribe to is Cook's Illustrated. Am I the only one who
> > feels this way? I doubt it!

> My mom just got me a subscription to Cooking Light for my birthday.
> i'll let ya know what i think of that.

I was going to say that I've been getting Cooking Light for a few
years. I like it because it's not solely recipes. It has health tips,
exercises, etc. Unfortunately, it too is filled with ads. I used to
get Vegetarian Times for years but it went from a thick magazine to
something so thin it was pathetic and not worth the money.

I get a lot of magazines monthly; it's the result of being a vagabond
for so many years and being incapable of subscribing for most of my
adult years. All of them are filled with advertisements and I guess
I've learned to ignore them. Let's face it; unless it's National
Geographic, magazines are not really high quality education :-) For
me, it's an indulgence of minor proportions, something that's fun to
get in the mail that assuages the pain of bills, and they provide mild
entertainment or distraction for about 15 minutes :-) Honestly, I
think that the concept of magazines is far more exciting than the
magazines themselves.

I do love my Coastal Living magazines though. Just looking at the
oceas, beach houses and "shell stuff" makes me feel like I'm back in S.
CA again; but I"m far from there now :-(
Man do I digress! I went from cooking magazines to longing for the