"Vivian B." > wrote in message
> Each of these recipes can be used by varying people with different
> types of diabetes.
> Some people with diabetes need to monitor their carb intakes: other
> people with diabetes need to be more concerned with cholesterol.
What?????????? Where did you get this info. from? ALL diabetics need to
monitor their carb intakes. ALL of them!
>There is no way to make each recipe suit everyone, which is why the site
> offers a choice of different recipes so that each diabetic can choose.
> If you read the page on diabetic diet, and meal planning for diabetes,
> you would have a much clearer insight into the integrity of the site.
If your "diabetic diet" has anything to do with us not monitoring our carbs
and monitoring our cholesterol then we sure don't need your insight.
> This is a site offered to help people with diabetes get all the
> information. If you choose to ignore the information, then there is a
> problem.
All the information. Including the wrong information. Heh! Choosing to
ingnore wrong information doesn't seem like a problem to me!
> Perhaps it was my fault for directing people to the recipe page without
> first directing them to the pages where there is advice on nutrition.
> http://www.theguideto-diabetes.com/diabetes_diet/
> http://www.theguideto-diabetes.com/d...meal_planning/
> http://www.theguideto-diabetes.com/d...exchange_diet/
> These sites all provide information.
> The point of the site posted above is so that diabetics can choose
> recipes after learning about diabetes nutrition.
Yeah. They provide old and/or vague information. Most of us here are not
stupid. And you're probably not a diabetic. Or if you are, you're probably
not in control if you use your advice!
See my webpage: