The legacy of mark foley....The truth about *** pedophilia
On 2006-10-08 06:07:49 -0400, "bobandcarole"
> said:
>> Could it be
>> because the Democrat Party embraces legalizing homosexual marriage and
>> inserting homosexual material into public school textbooks designed for
>> children as young as grammar school, as demonstrated in recent efforts
>> by the California Legislature to indoctrinate students? That is the
>> real story behind this media blitz that Democrats want Americans to
>> miss.
It truly amazes me that the right-wing nuts try to demonize everyone
else, especially the Democratic Party, by putting them in favor of all
sorts of inherently evil things such as pedophilia, surrender to
terrorists, etc., etc., just because Democrats are opposed to the
tyrrany presently advocated by the right wing. Apparently those dodos
can't conceive or abide a centrist position that might suggest that
they are wrong.