Squash, taters other veggies?
On 8-Oct-2006, Mike Avery > wrote:
> Xref: news.twtelecom.net alt.food.barbecue:75799
> Partly I figure if it's worth eating, it's worth barbecuing. Partly I
> figure, the pit's hot, might as well use the heat.
> So, I have a pork butt in the smoker now, and I have a chicken that will
> join it in the mid-afternoon.
> I also have some nice winter squash and some potatoes. Has anyone tried
> barbecuing these, or any other, veggies?
> If so, do you have any advice or suggestions here?
> Thanks,
> Mike
Hell yes. Squash, Zuccini, Carrots, Potatoes. You name it. I have a square
perforated and porcellenized pan for that very purpose. Home Despot and
Lows carry them most of the time. Season veggies as you see fit. I tend to
keep it simple with some EVOO topped with some Lowry's Seasoned Salt.
With that as your mental guide, raid your spice rack and get wild.
Brick(Youth is wasted on young people)