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Space Cowboy Space Cowboy is offline
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Default A mainland version of Taiwan GaoShan

This is my first BenShan. Do you notice any similarities between
Benshan and Taiwan teas? I have a good map of Fujian and Anxi and
can't find it. I assume it would be a coastal mtn just to have that
much in common separated by a body of water with the same environment.
This one is chunky knobs like my DongTing and AliShan and will clog a
pot with a bush. I really like the longer slight TKY note finish in
the throat unlike the Taiwan equivalents. I don't like to pimp but
since you asked EnjoyingTea. They take PayPal. I still got me pride.


HobbesOxon wrote:
> Jim,
> I've been looking for a good benshan, but have only tried the Jing
> Teashop one to date. I found it to be pleasant, but, I think it's fair
> to say, it was probably well-priced at $10/100g (i.e., pretty cheaply).
> May I ask where you get your version?
> Certainly price isn't the definite indicator, but I wouldn't (a
> priori) expect too much from a $6/100g, so it's good to read that
> you've found something enjoyable.
> Toodlepip,
> Hobbes