Squash, taters other veggies?
jay wrote:
> On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 14:03:27 -0600, Mike Avery wrote:
>> I also have some nice winter squash and some potatoes. Has anyone tried
>> barbecuing these, or any other, veggies?
>> If so, do you have any advice or suggestions here?
> Wrap in foil for less smoke. I cook nearly anything on the pit.
Thanks to all who replied. I'm not sure what sort of squash it was....
I hadn't seen it before, and just bought it at the local farmers market
on the advice of the seller. It was small, green and white, kinda like
an acorn squash that had it's ends pushed in. I cut in half, scooped
out the seeds, put a pat of butter in each half, wrapped them with
aluminum foil and put them in the pit nearer the fire. About an hour
later, they were great. Just a little smoke got through my loose
wrapping and it enhanced rather than overwhelmed.
Thanks for the tip,
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Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
part time baker ICQ 16241692
networking guru AIM, yahoo and skype mavery81230