Thread: Maggi Sauce
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Default Maggi Sauce

itsjoannotjoann wrote:
> OK! I bought a bottle of this today and am going to make a very large
> pot of vegetable soup tomorrow using some leftover pork roast. I know
> in the other thread we were talking about using stew beef or chuck but
> I've got quite a bit of pork left. Thinking it would be put to good
> use in a soup.

Imagine soy sauce. Then notice soy sauce is made with wheat as
well as soy beans and imagine being wheat intolerant. Now imagine
a substitute product that's made with corn in addition to soy beans.
That's pretty much what Maggi sauce is.

> There's a toll-free number on the bottle, but got any suggestions how
> much of this I would use? A tablespoon put in the pot at the start of
> the soup or the last 15 minutes of cooking? More or less?
> And yes, it was found in the Oriental aisle and any tips would be
> appreciated.

The same amount as you would with soy sauce. It's salty as that
and has a similar effect on most recipes.