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Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:21:19 -0500, notbob > wrote:
>On 2006-10-11, Adam Funk > wrote:
>> No, not boiling an egg dry --- the latest technology!
>> calculated is wide enough for soldiers.
>It might be an ok device if it costs less than boiling water. But,
>the article indicates the device is less "labor" intensive. Cripes,
>how labor intensive can boiling an egg be? You put an egg in water
>and turn on the stove. "Whew! ...I'm exhausted." Anyway, the key
>question is, how energy intensive is this device? Halogen bulbs
>aren't exactly low wattage. In fact, most are real power suckers and
>this uses 4 of them. Also, the device is 30cm high. That's one foot.
>A one foot high machine to cook an egg? Hopefully, you won't need to
>cook more than one at a time or you'll have to build an addition to your
>kitchen to house all those BEMs.
>What was infinitely more interesting to me than a foot high light bulb
>egg cooker was the mention of "toast soldiers". WTF!? Google to the
>rescue. Evidently, those crafty Brits, instead of cutting up toast in
>a bowl and dumping a softboiled egg on it like I have ever since my
>childhood, cut right to the chase and just pop off the top of a soft
>boiled egg and dip their toast right into the egg while it's still in
>the shell. But, since a piece of toast is bigger than a soft boiled
>egg, they have to cut the toast into strips that will fit into the
>egg. That strip of toast is a toast soldier. Cute, eh? It also
>appears this is another excercise of herculian proportions and between
>the boiling of the egg and the lifting of the cap on the egg, the poor
>limeys are pretty near spent and have barely enough energy left to
>even chew, let alone cut a piece of toast into strips. So, to the
>rescue comes the Toast Soldier Cutting Machine. Ta-da!:
>So, there you have it. A ninety-gazillion watt foot high egg cooker
>and a toast soldier machine to help get you out the door with enough
>residual energy to make it through the day doing what Brits everywhere
>do, like hefting pints and sticking wickets and all that kind of
>stuff. British technology saves the day. Here's to ya', guv'ner.
It's probably just part of the next Wallace & Gromit movie.