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Space Cowboy Space Cowboy is offline
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Default A mainland version of Taiwan GaoShan

Depending on how you spell BenShan Anodyne said what I did in 96. I
didn't come up to speed on Taiwan teas till the Good Young brand
appeared in the stores. The only other brand from Twinings disappeared
years ago. If I even suspected there was a mainland tea that compared
to Taiwan in any kind of taste I would have been on that one sooner.
Okay BenShan has been flushed out, are there any others? This is the
kind of tea when you're done with the leaves you toss them on a salad.
My not so new rediscovery of the year sofar.


HobbesOxon wrote:
> Yes indeed. I think I wrote that the Jing benshan was like "a well
> dressed young lady with good manners". Very much in the same vein as
> Formosa gaoshan. The actual quality was what one would expect/hope for
> $10/100g: pleasant, but not "first division". A very reliable daily
> tea. I think the lack of endurance irked me somewhat, but that's (one
> of the reasons) why it's not first division. I'll check out
> EnjoyingTea, thanks.
> Toodlepip,
> Hobbes