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HobbesOxon HobbesOxon is offline
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Posts: 111
Default A mainland version of Taiwan GaoShan

On a salad, nice idea.. not one I'd thought of!

At the moment, my wife puts them all in her footbath at the end of the
day. Apparently it's good for maintaining the suppleness of skin. I'm
not certain if this is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (tm) approach, or
just one of my wife's quirks (heh). Last night she had two good
gaoshan wulong (>1600m) and an old pu'er in there - all used, I hasten
to add... quite the treat for the feet, if they like that kind of
thing, I imagine...

I saw an article in Stephane Erler's blog on ice-cream made with
wulong. Give it a go!

