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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Default I went to Penzeys

Finally. I went to Boston for a couple of days, and before
I left I thought, surely there would be a Penzey's there!
There it was, in Arlington. 10.6 miles from my hotel. Made
the obligatory wrong turn on the way there, but I was happy
to see they were still open when I arrived.

That was a lot of fun, walking around, I have that, I have
that, I need that ... picked up only a few small things, but
had way more than 14 bucks worth of entertainment.

Got out in the nick of time, by the time we pulled out of the
lot, the closed sign was up ... whew, turns out they close
at 5:30 and that's what time it was! Guess we were *that*
close to being kicked out.

Other than that, only food I had worth remembering, I had
my first lobster roll, at Fanueill (sp) Hall. At the hotel
restaurant, I had lobster crisps ... fried lobster wontons,
and I had lobster bisque. The waitress brought it over,
it was a soup bowl with a lump of lobster in the middle.
On the bottom was decorative white piping, creme fraiche,
I suppose. I'm looking at it thinking ... well, that doesn't
look like lobster bisque to me. Puzzled. She put something
else down then, using her other hand, poured the soup from
a gravy boat type of thing. I was happy to see that.
