In article >,
"Ken Davey" > wrote:
> Mark Thorson wrote:
> > Ray wrote:
> >>
> >> Is it safe to eat "raw" honey? What does it mean?
> >
> > People with an impaired immune system, such as
> > babies, seniors, people with AIDS, and people
> > on anti-cancer chemotherapy, must not eat honey,
> > especially raw honey. It can be deadly.
> >
> >
> What is it about that 'fact sheet' that looks phoney?
> Read the header carefully.
> Ken.
I haven't looked at the link nor its header but giving honey to little
ones under a year old isn't recommended for fear of "infant botulism"
Here's some info about it.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."; blahblahblog 9/29/2006