Sneaky and devious....
LadyJane wrote:
> Mum's been bitching and moaning about her stove for some months.
> This week I was shopping (with Mum in tow) for a new dishwasher.
> She saw a stove she liked... but couldn't - at this point in time -
> afford.
> I ordered both the stove & the d/w.
> Arranged for an electrician (she won't have a gas stove... long story)
> to install the new stove today at around 10am.
> Rang Mum & said my dishwasher was being delivered today, but I had
> another appointment for an hour or so, could she come to our home on
> the off-chance that the d/w was delivered while I was away..... while
> all the time I was around at her place letting in the electrician and
> overseeing the installation and delivery of her new stove!!
> Just drove her home - kitchen exactly as she left it, pots on the new
> stove, tea-towel handing on the oven handle.... still didn't notice
> anything 'new' about her kitchen.
> Am waiting (excitedly) for her phone call when she finally notices
> (geez, I sure hope she notices!!!) she's got a new stove!!!!!!
Wow, what a great gift and a fun presentation. How long did it take her
to notice?
gloria p