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Nonnymus Nonnymus is offline
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Posts: 143
Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

Perhaps this would be another good "invention" to look into:


Adam Funk wrote:
> On 2006-10-11, > wrote:
>>> So, there you have it. A ninety-gazillion watt foot high egg cooker
>>> and a toast soldier machine to help get you out the door with enough
>>> residual energy to make it through the day doing what Brits everywhere
>>> do, like hefting pints and sticking wickets and all that kind of
>>> stuff. British technology saves the day. Here's to ya', guv'ner.

>> It's probably just part of the next Wallace & Gromit movie.

> I doubt there are halogen lamps in their universe.
> Their egg-and-toast machine will be powered by Wallace dropping down a
> chute to the dining room while Gromit runs on a treadmill.

In the periodic table, as in politics,
the unstable elements tend to hang out on
the far left, with some to the right as well.