In article >,
zxcvbob > wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > LadyJane wrote:
> >> Mum's been bitching and moaning about her stove for some months.
> >> This week I was shopping (with Mum in tow) for a new dishwasher.
> >> She saw a stove she liked... but couldn't - at this point in time
> >> - afford.
> I hate to say this, but I actually agree with Sheldon -- at least to a
> point. Major purchases (especially durable ones that will be around for
> years) should not be made on behalf of someone without letting them in
> on it.
> Best regards,
> Bob
Looks to me like Mum knew what she wanted and LadyJane made it happen.
I think it's a great surprise. Can't wait to hear how long before Mum
notices! LOL!
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
"Maligning an individual says more about you than the one you malign."; blahblahblog 9/29/2006