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Denise~* Denise~* is offline
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Default Horrible food memories from childhood

Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:

> They bought me a 1073 Pontiac GTO convertible.

1973, right? Sahh-weeet

> To try and make it short; Todd and I had a good start to
> the summer until... I decided to feed him scrambled eggs for breakfast one
> morning. He was probably almost a year old. He blew up like a balloon... He
> couldn't breathe. His face was all red. I desperately tried to reach my
> parents. Couldn't find them. I threw him into the car and went to ER. I was
> told if I had waited any longer Todd would have suffocated because his
> throat was almost swollen shut. He had an egg allergy. I was hysterical by
> the time we got to the hospital. I won't even tell you how I made my
> parents suffer the rest of the summer He outgrew the allergy but to this
> day if you serve him a plate of eggs he basically runs from the table.
> He'll eat eggs in cakes etc. but if he has to look at them he gets ill.
> Michael

Good thing they bought you a car!