Ping: Sheldon
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article .com>,
> "Sheldon" > wrote:
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > > Shel' dear, I lost the post where you posted more pics of your
> > > furkids... :-(
> > >
> > > Would you mind re-posting those links?
> > >
> > > Pretty please?????
> >
> > Hmm, how can you lose a post?!?! Just look for the tomato thread.
> >
> > Sheldon
> I don't have AOL.
Why not... AOL is now free. Use it over your regular broad band
carrier at no charge, I used to have to pay $15 but now I pay zippo,
just use it over my Verizon DSL acct. Pick up a free AOL CD most
anywhere and load it. You need to have an AOL Acct. to check AOL
Profiles. AOL also gives you McAfee virus scan for free now... lot's
of other good stuff all for free. Iv'e never encountered any of the
problems some claim are inherent to AOL.. perhaps they'd have problems
regardles since it's obvious that they really don't know much about
computers, they just talk a good show.