On 11 Oct 2006 21:49:59 -0700, "LadyJane"
> wrote:
>Mum's been bitching and moaning about her stove for some months.
>This week I was shopping (with Mum in tow) for a new dishwasher.
>She saw a stove she liked... but couldn't - at this point in time -
>I found a new dishwasher, but the retailer had to get back to me about
>availability in s/s.
>When he rang that afternoon, by which time Mum had gone home, I ordered
>both the stove & the d/w.
>Am waiting (excitedly) for her phone call when she finally notices
>(geez, I sure hope she notices!!!) she's got a new stove!!!!!!
>Nearly 3pm here - have an hour or two to wait till she gets to turning
>on the oven in preparation for dinner.... lol
And... did she get back to you yet? I hope she loved her surprise...