Sneaky and devious....
> Sheldon wrote:
>> LadyJane wrote:
>> > Mum's been bitching and moaning about her stove for some months.
>> > This week I was shopping (with Mum in tow) for a new dishwasher.
>> > She saw a stove she liked... but couldn't - at this point in time -
>> > afford.
>> > I found a new dishwasher, but the retailer had to get back to me about
>> > availability in s/s.
>> > When he rang that afternoon, by which time Mum had gone home, I ordered
>> > both the stove & the d/w.
>> >
>> > Arranged for an electrician (she won't have a gas stove... long story)
>> > to install the new stove today at around 10am.
>> > Rang Mum & said my dishwasher was being delivered today, but I had
>> > another appointment for an hour or so, could she come to our home on
>> > the off-chance that the d/w was delivered while I was away..... while
>> > all the time I was around at her place letting in the electrician and
>> > overseeing the installation and delivery of her new stove!!
>> >
>> > hehehehe - deviousness is such fun!
>> >
>> > Unbelievably - I have never been able to keep presents secret for some
>> > 40 odd years - I kept quiet about it all... even after returning home &
>> > spending a lovely 3 hours watching Foodie shows on pay tv. All the
>> > while Mum's talking about what she'll make for dinner tonight*, having
>> > gleaned some great recipes from the Food Network.
>> > Just drove her home - kitchen exactly as she left it, pots on the new
>> > stove, tea-towel handing on the oven handle.... still didn't notice
>> > anything 'new' about her kitchen.
>> > Am waiting (excitedly) for her phone call when she finally notices
>> > (geez, I sure hope she notices!!!) she's got a new stove!!!!!!
snipped really silly stuff.
I feel it's important for a parent to be made to feel in
control of their destiny... what's your next surprise, registerintg her
into the nursing home... well that's how such acts make parents feel.
>> And that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
>> Sheldon
Yea, right!
If my kids bought me an appliance as a surprise knowing that I probably
could/would never be able to afford it, and knowing that it might be way
down on the list - like after the heat bill, phone bill and just surviving
month to month, I would be so thrilled.
I certainly wouldn't think they were one step away from making all major
decisions. A nursing home?
Like, where the hell did that come from?