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Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2006-10-13, > wrote:
>> bother to do that, when diagonally sliced toast can easily be dipped
>> into an egg sitting in an egg cup.

> Actually, it seems like a pretty good idea and soft boiled eggs are a
> favorite of mine. But, it does beg the question of how one gets all
> that egg out. The soft boiled egg with the lovely runny yolk in the
> bowl can be eaten to the very last drop, the toast pieces pushed
> around to sop up every little bit bit of egg and yolk. But, how about
> the egg in a shell? No problem for the first half of the egg. How
> does that work when trying to get the remainder of the egg? You got
> some sort of small eggshell spoon/squeegie thingie or do you just
> break open the egg and spoon out the rest or do you just leave it and
> toss the rest un-eaten?

Just use a teaspoon. Adults will dig entire parts of the egg out - white and
yolk, while kids will normally just eat the yolk.

> nb