>"Green Mtn. Griller" > wrote in message
>> Had the show "Numb3rs" on the TV earlier tonight, though we weren't really
>> paying attention to it, But I did pick up on a line from a female to one
>> of the shows stars (not Judd Hersch!), that she had heard that women find
>> men who cook sexy. I had to ask DW if that was true and she agreed
>> (sarcastically, I think - "oh, yes dear"), but I really think her answer
>> was biased by the fact that I do the dishes, also! Do any of you gals out
>> there think that men who can cook are sexy? Oops! GTG! DW just
>> "mentioned" that those dishes in the drainboard aren't going to put
>> themselves away! ;-)
I took over cooking when I retired.
When my wife tells this to her friends,
the response is envy...Envy...ENVY !