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Adam Funk Adam Funk is offline
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Posts: 270
Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

On 2006-10-14, Sheldon > wrote:

> Halogen bulbs are also relatively costly and don't have a very long
> life... I have two desk lamps, each contains a halogen bulb, each bulb
> costs like $12 and has a useful life of maybe 300 hours.

I agree. Another reason I won't buy fixtures that use halogen lamps
is that they always have warnings about fire hazards (do not use this
product near curtains).

> I haven't actually seen one but from the description this egg cooker
> thingie sure sounds like a contraption that nobody needs.

I certainly didn't post the article because *I'd* buy the product.

Although --- for research purposes, you understand --- I would of
course to try it at someone else's house and expense.

Speaking of egg-related gadgetry, I just remembered the TV ads years
ago for the Ronco inside-the-egg egg-scrambler --- has anyone here
ever bought, seen or used one?