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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

On 2006-10-16, Adam Funk > wrote:

> Speaking of egg-related gadgetry, I just remembered the TV ads years
> ago for the Ronco inside-the-egg egg-scrambler --- has anyone here
> ever bought, seen or used one?

Not me.

But, I do remember back in the mid 70's staying with some friends who
had a great little electric egg poacher. It was a Rival or Daisy or
some such common brand and poached 4 eggs to in just 3-4 mins. You
put the eggs in their little cups, similar ot the old stove-top
pan-full-of-water poachers, and added a couple ozs of water to a
little reservoir in the middle of the cooker. Put the lid on, switch
on, eggs poach and unit turns itself off. Water is gone, eggs are
perfect. It could hard or soft boil and the cups could be removed for
cleaning so the unit never required immersion on water.

Evidently, similar appliances are still available to cook eggs both in
and out of the shell. Unfortunately, they all seemed to be designed
to look like some sort of giant egg or pregnant mother ship or other
ridiculously oversized lump. The poacher my friends had was only 7-8"
dia and 5-6" tall with lid on. It could easily be stored in any
cupboard or drawer.
