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Dan Abel
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Default If You Eat Pork of any kind

In article m>, "Darryl
L. Pierce" > wrote:

> C. James Strutz wrote:

> > Plant based foods are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, which are
> > known to contribute to coronary heart disease. Plant based foods are also
> > free of steroids, antibiotics, and growth hormones which have been linked
> > to cancer.

> The additives such as steroids, etc, notwithstanding, plants can't provide
> the necessary amounts of protein required by the human body. Also, a
> sedentary lifestyle also is a major contributing factor, more so than the
> fats and cholesterol, to CHD. As for cholesterol, the majority of the
> cholesterol in your system comes from your own liver and not from the
> dietary intake.

Plant based foods *can* provide the necessary amounts of protein required
by the human body. Dried beans, corn, rice and potatoes all contain
significant amounts of protein. As long as you eat a variety of plant
protein, you will be OK. If you also eat dairy and eggs, it will be even
easier to get the correct quality of protein. If you only eat one kind of
plant protein, you will have a protein deficiency, since no one plant
protein has the balance of protein that humans need. No argument on the
exercise thing. As for cholesterol, last I heard the jury was still out
on whether dietary cholesterol is a problem for some people.

> This one makes no comparison that I saw stating that vegetarian was better
> than non-vegetarian. It merely states that vegetarians can receive adequate
> nutrition from an "appropriately planned" vegetarian diet. Hardly support
> for the claim that non-vegetarian is better, since such a conclusion would
> be non sequitor.

I believe that a vegetarian diet *can* be better for some people. It all
depends on what you eat!


I ain't giving up my meat, though!

Dan Abel
Sonoma State University