One time on Usenet, "Nancy Young" > said:
> "denise~*" > wrote
> > What's yer point? Water is water...IMHO
> >
> > I filter at home & fill-up a container if I leave. Much cheaper &
> > tastes the same, sorta like....Water! :-)
> You kidding, many places have horrible tasting water
> coming out of the tap. Some people buy drinking water for
> a good reason.
Well, she did say she filters hers. I'm lucky, we have a semi-private
well and the water tastes fine. But I'll still buy Aquafina or Dasani
when I'm away from home -- it's a lot cheaper and I don't care if it
didn't come from a natural spring or not.
When we moved here via car and trailer from the East Coast in '89
(I'm a native of WA, but Miguel is from PA) we were poor and had
an old car with a funky radiator. Some nice folks from CA ran across
us in Idaho, overheated and out of water. They not only dumped the
melted ice from their cooler into our radiator, but put in some
fancy Swiss bottled water as well. Good people... :-)
"Little Malice" is Jani in WA
~ mom, Trollop, novice cook ~