denise~* wrote:
> Andy wrote:
>> OmManiPadmeOmelet said...
>>> In article >,
>>> "JoeSpareBedroom" > wrote:
>>>> "Ever wonder about those people who spend $2 apiece on those little
>>>> bottles of Evian water? Try spelling Evian backward."
>>>> -George Carlin
>>> I generally buy Aquafina... ;-)
>> FYI, Aquafina is not natural spring water. It's reconditioned tap
>> water.
>> Andy
> What's yer point? Water is water...IMHO
> I filter at home & fill-up a container if I leave. Much cheaper &
> tastes the same, sorta like....Water! :-)
I'm with you there. I only recall buying a bottle of water one time and
that was about 3 years ago in an airport when I had a long layover.