That Spicy Cabbage at Chinese Restaurants...
On 29-Sep-2006, Dan Abel > wrote:
> Kimchee is from Korea and is fermented.
I used to think so too, until a trip to Korea last March with the Army.
According to the Korean Folk Museum's display, Kimchee is the Korean word
for “Pickled”, not "Fermented". Kimchee is any vegetable that is pickled.
The most common one is cabbage, but there are hundreds of others. Another
common belief is that making Kimchee involves burying it while it ferments.
This is only true of “winter kimchee”. It is aged in a pit below ground to
keep it from freezing while it ages.
The Mess Hall (a joint US/Korean facility) had a couple different types of
cabbage kimchee plus a radish-based one. The Radish variety was quite good.