Thread: Agua
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-SD- -SD- is offline
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Default Agua

denise~* wrote:
> Andy wrote:

> >
> >
> >
> > FYI, Aquafina is not natural spring water. It's reconditioned tap water.
> >
> > Andy

> What's yer point? Water is water...IMHO
> I filter at home & fill-up a container if I leave. Much cheaper &
> tastes the same, sorta like....Water! :-)

Depends on where you live. Most home filter systems are not going to be
removing parasites and bacteria which is what is found in my public
water supply. Water goes into the potable water pipes clean and healthy
having come out of the new water treatment plant. The sewer lines run
ABOVE the potable water lines. Both potable water pipes and sewer pipes
are PVC and the joints are not glued.They leak. When potable water is
NOT flowing, a vaccuum is created in those pipes and leaking sewage is
sucked into the potable water system. So.....when the water comes on in
my neighborhood, the water filling my pila and my cistern smells like
sewage because it contains sewage.

I'll stick with bottled water.
