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Kevin S. Wilson Kevin S. Wilson is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 886
Default Dry-cleaning^Wboiling an egg.

On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:05:18 GMT, Harry Demidavicius >

>On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:11:53 -0600, Kevin S. Wilson >
>>On Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:10:01 -0500, notbob > wrote:
>>>On 2006-10-14, Marc Goodman > wrote:
>>>> I'll be glad to answer the question. What was it again?
>>>Are the weedy clots from ark the biggest buncha wets crossposting on

>>No. For that, there's always, with a heapin' helping
>>of racism thrown in for good measure.
>>Anything else we can help you with?

>Why the Hell do I keep seeing your dumb fat ass, Kevvie?

Which one of those incredibly lame insults is supposed to hurt my
feelings? Please try harder. I've seen greater creativity and
originality from 1st-graders.

>You occupy
>the majority of the slots in my Bozo Bin, and yet here you are again.

Sounds like you need to get one of the aforementioned 1st-graders to
explain to you how a killfile works then, bozo. I've posted with this
address and only this address for years and years, yet you seem
singularly unable to avoid seeing my posts. Worse yet, you seem to be
incapable of preventing yourself from reading them. Perhaps the
problem lies not with your killfile but with your lack of

>Why don't you find a life somewhere? Preferably not here!

Did you ever stop to consider how futile it is to attempt to dictate
or even influence what gets posted to AFB, and by whom?

Here's an idea: If you don't like what you see in AFB, post what you
do like to see and encourage others to do likewise. At least you would
have some small measure of control over those endeavors, and you
wouldn't look so much like a petulant, sniveling crybaby, stamping
your feet and pouting because other people won't do what you demand
they do.