Bettter Than Bouillon (?)
Jude wrote:
> Janet Puistonen wrote:
>> "? cal" wrote:
>>> Does anyone know about this product with many flavors or has anyone
>>> used it?
>>> i was told it was good and higher in protein than the others?
>>> Our store doesn't carry them....who does?
>>> Thank you for any help.
>>> cal
>> I keep their chicken and lobster versions on hand for emergencies.
>> It's much better than other, similar products--even Knorr, which is
>> better than everything else. Also, if you ever have to cook for
>> people who must not consume wheat, it is one of the few that doesn't
>> contain yeast products of some kind.
> I used the Knorr veg-veg boullion cubes exclusively for many years.
> Until the day that I found out that "yeast extract" eas actually MSG.
> Now, I really don't want to be adding that crap to my food, so I've
> quit Knorr completely.
> It's back to the scraps from my veggies in a freezer bag, then
> simmered into soup stock. Or else, I buy the 32-oz asceptic packages
> of Kitchen Basics stock. Its got REALLY good flavor and it's not
> nearly as salty as BTB. But it's pricey to buy the premade boxes
> rather than a cube or base, that's for sure. I only use it in stuff
> like my pilafs or tortellini en brodo, where the broth flavor is a
> primary flavor to the recipe.
Oddly enough, I just bought some of the Kitchen Basics vegetable stock for
the first time last night, because I had to make a vegetarian soup and
needed to save time. (I also wanted wheat-free.) It certainly isn't salty,
but is is sweet. Naturally so, I gather--at least, it tastes real. Vegetable
stocks, even this one, don't really do it for me, though.