Asparagus For Sweetest Day?
Lou Decruss wrote:
> The weekend sale flyer from one of the big local chains came
> yesterday. The front page says "Sweetest Day Savings!" The top left
> has a nice picture of a dozen roses, and right smack in the middle is
> the picture of asparagus!! What were they thinking? Of all the days
> of the year, Sweetest Day would be the last one I'd serve that. This
> is a 20 page flyer and they could have put chocolate or wine or
> anything other than asparagus on the front page. Someone should be
> fired! Sheesch.
> Lou
1. Sweetest Day is a fake holiday to provide merchants with an extra day
to guilt people into giving gifts. Gifts given because of commercial
hype aren't worth giving or receiving.
2. Asparagus is a delicacy and lots healthier than chocolate.
Fired? Get a grip.
gloria p