In article . com>,
"phaeton" > wrote:
> Is there any reason why I can't do this in a 2 or 3 quart sauce pan?
> As long as I keep stirring, and as long as the beef, potatoes and
> onions 'boil' in their own juices, it should cook thoroughly and
> eliminate any potential bacterial problems, right?
"Boiling" is such an ugly word when referring to beef. I've seen it
called steaming, which I think sounds much better.
For many dishes, I prefer my hamburger steamed. As others have
suggested, I cook the hamburger separately until the pink is almost gone
before adding the onions and potatoes (often no potatoes, often some
minced garlic). If you like what you are doing now, stick with it.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California, USA