Snail Farm
On Sun, 30 May 2004 15:18:55 -0500, Katra wrote:
> In article >,
> Dave Smith > wrote:
>> Glenn Jacobs wrote:
>>> Someone in this group was planning to build a snail farm. I don't remember
>>> the name. I wonder if they have made any progress and might have some
>>> words of wisdom.
>> I would be willing to bet that business is slow. :-)
> Don't count on it. ;-)
> It's a business I've considered and investigated.
> There is currently no local supplier for live Escargot,
> and one of the specialty markets in the area was
> interested when I made some phone calls.
> I'm still considering setting up a small greenhouse out back
> with shelving and aquariums and giving it a shot. It
> should not cost me more than maybe $1,000 set up costs.
> That's cheap for a business. <G>
> K.
Let me know how it goes. I live a a dry and cool area (Mountains of
Colorado) so I have a couple of strikes agains me to begin with. But I
have not been able to find a supplier up here.
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