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Ed Rasimus Ed Rasimus is offline
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Posts: 383
Default Storing Opened Red Wines

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 19:43:35 +0100, Steve Slatcher
> wrote:

>On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:10:37 -0400, Mark Lipton >
>>4. The issue of oxygen solubility becomes virtually moot if one makes
>>any effort to exclude oxygen from the bottle, either by evacuation or
>>filling to the top, or blanketing with nitrogen, etc.
>>5. My own experience is that cooling the wine down does hlpe preserve
>>it, but I usually take pains to exclude oxygen.

>I understood that most of the oxygen that causes damage will be in the
>wine before it is put into storage. The extra bit that may enter
>through the surface of the wine in a stationay bottle is minimal
>compared with that which will enter as the wine is being sloshed in
>the bottle while pouring glasses. And decanting into a half bottle
>may make matters even worse. So the issue is rather how to stop the
>dissolved oxygen from oxidising the wine.
>Evacuation or blanketting will of course reduce the partial pressure
>of oxygen above the wine, and so may pull oxygen out of the wine, but
>again I doubt how big this effect will be.
>In practice I am not sure how much any of this matters. Personally,
>these days I normally recork and put in the fridge.
>Some think that evacuation removes aromas. Anyone here with any
>thoughts on that. Again, I find it difficult to believe it makes much

I don't recall ever having had a bottle around long enough for it to
make a difference.

Gadgets like vacu-vins and nitrogen bottles, practices like pouring
into smaller bottles, concerns about re-corking or not, all seem to be
solutions to a problem that I don't encounter.

Options I use:
1.) Drink the wine.
2.) Have a friend help
3.) Linger later to finish the wine
4.) Leave the unfinished (if there is any) in the bottle and try it
tomorrow--I notice that Dale W says he does this a lot!

Ed Rasimus
Fighter Pilot (USAF-Ret)
"When Thunder Rolled"