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Dan Goodman Dan Goodman is offline
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Default FDA nearing the approval of cloned meats

BOB wrote:

> In this press release, a senior FDA official was quoted as saying
> that he saw no reason to place special labels on milk and meat from
> cloned animals if those products reach grocery shelves. Apparently
> that will be the case. There will be no lableling of meats or their
> products of cloned animals that distinguishes them from meats that
> are not from cloned animals. According to the article:
> "We feel like the average consumer is going to accept this technology
> as we move forward," said Barb Glenn of the Biotechnology Industry
> Organization. "There will not be a label that will indicate this is
> anything other than healthy meat and milk."

Offhand, I'd say this would improve the sales of companies which labels
their products "Not from cloned animals."

And of organic meat.

And probably of kosher meat. There's nothing in the rules against
cloned animals, but there's nothing saying they _are_ kosher either.
There will be a period of discussion, which could go on for decades.

Of course, if cloned meat ever really catches on, it will probably be
vat-grown. And perhaps someday, the words William Safire once saw on a
restaurant menu will mean what they say:

"Our chef proudly serves his own liver."

Dan Goodman
All political parties die at last of swallowing their own lies.
John Arbuthnot (1667-1735), Scottish writer, physician.