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Default FDA nearing the approval of cloned meats

Dan Goodman wrote:
> BOB wrote:
> > In this press release, a senior FDA official was quoted as saying
> > that he saw no reason to place special labels on milk and meat from
> > cloned animals if those products reach grocery shelves. Apparently
> > that will be the case. There will be no lableling of meats or their
> > products of cloned animals that distinguishes them from meats that
> > are not from cloned animals. According to the article:
> >
> > "We feel like the average consumer is going to accept this technology
> > as we move forward," said Barb Glenn of the Biotechnology Industry
> > Organization. "There will not be a label that will indicate this is
> > anything other than healthy meat and milk."

> Offhand, I'd say this would improve the sales of companies which labels
> their products "Not from cloned animals."

There'll be a regulation forbidding this process. Didn't they try to
prevent milk producers from labelling milk as NOT being from BGH
treated cows?

> And of organic meat.
> And probably of kosher meat. There's nothing in the rules against
> cloned animals, but there's nothing saying they _are_ kosher either.
> There will be a period of discussion, which could go on for decades.

This will lead to a schism among Jewish halachic circles. The Reform
will accept it gladly, the Conservative will eat it, but only in your
home or in a restaurant. The Orthodox will split over it after a long
time. The greatest amount of cloned meat eaten by Jews will be in
Chinese restaurants on Yom Kippur (when Kosher delis are closed).

> Of course, if cloned meat ever really catches on, it will probably be
> vat-grown. And perhaps someday, the words William Safire once saw on a

Why grow the whole animal, when people only want to eat the tenderloin?

> restaurant menu will mean what they say:
> "Our chef proudly serves his own liver."

Reminds me of (who? Captain Black?) in Catch-22: "Eat your liver."

> --
> Dan Goodman

In memory of Anna Politkovskaya