"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
> cybercat said...
>> "Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
>>> Default User said...
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I've also noticed that cleaning them without water concerntrates
> their
>>>>> flavour and means that when they are cooked they dont release Excess
>>>>> water as the water content in mushrooms is quite high! (Similiar to
>>>>> cucumber in a way!)
>>>> How would that work? As stated elsewhere, mushrooms don't absorb
> water
>>>> during washing.
>>> Mushroom don't absorb water?? Says who???
>> They do.
> Weigh a mushroom. take an ounce of water and pour it in the cap then dump
> it out. Re-weigh the mushroom.
When will you be getting your GED, Andrew?