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Michael Pronay Michael Pronay is offline
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Posts: 630
Default Storing Opened Red Wines

Mike Tommasi > wrote:

>>> Just to shift a bit, here is a pearl of wisdom from Nicolas
>>> Joly (wee his site): "Wines produced by biodynamic agriculture
>>> don't suffer from oxydation". Wow ! ;-)))

Seems to me that the guy has no idea about what he speaks. And
little idea about winemaking.

>> Uh huh. I actually find many of M. Joly's wines taste oxidized
>> upon opening.

Many? I haven't had one single non-oxidized bottle from this
producer, beginning from the days he personally poured his wines
at the "Union des gens du métier" tasting during Vinexpo some 20
years ago.

> that's right, every second bottle seems to be that way. Not that
> I mind it that much, as it does not prevent the extraordianry
> evolution of a good year's QdS in the bottle as a meal goes
> on... However some vintages seem to verge on being off.

So you have been happier than I.

"QdS" = Qoulée de Serrant? Quart de Schaumes?
