Asparagus For Sweetest Day?
cybercat wrote:
> Oh, man, I want to eat at your house, I love both!
> I know you probably don't fry too often due to your
> d*mned healthy ways (lol) but have you ever tried
> doing catfish with a breading mix called Louisiana
> Fish Fry? It is very light, corn flour based instead
> of corn meal, so not gritty and the seasoning is
> really nice. Lots of garlic. Mmmm.
That's basically how DH prefers it cooked, though I have never seen
that particular item. Also, I bake it whole (skinned, of course!),
with garlic powder, onion powder a little finely ground red pepper, and
a little chili powder. Bake it until it's done, then broil it a bit to
brown it.