"-L." > wrote in message
> That's basically how DH prefers it cooked, though I have never seen
> that particular item.
What is nice about it is that the instructions call for simply washing
the catfish filets and pressing them into the very fine mix, no
dipping in egg. It is very light. They sell it in the seafood departments
of the stores around here, in little low cases by the refrigerated case,
and sometimes in the Cajun section. It is actually the lightest breading
I have used. I am sure you could make it yourself with corn flour
and spices.
Also, I bake it whole (skinned, of course!),
> with garlic powder, onion powder a little finely ground red pepper, and
> a little chili powder. Bake it until it's done, then broil it a bit to
> brown it.
Sounds good. I love the earthy flavor of catfish, it is my favorite fish.
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