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Debbie Wilson Debbie Wilson is offline
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Posts: 49
Default Marrow hell in the UK

I've got one for you:

Stuffed marrows
Serves 2-3

Minced beef (half of small pack, about 125-150g??)
One onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tablespoon tomato puree
3 mushrooms, chopped
1 heaped teaspoon mixed herbs
Olive oil or sunflower oil for frying, about 1 tablespoon
Worcestershire sauce
Grated Cheddar cheese
One marrow, cut into thick rings (about an inch or 1.5 inches at least),
with thick skin and seeds removed. Allow 3-4 rings per person

Fry the onion in the oil until golden. Add the minced beef and fry
gently until browned throughout. Then add the mushrooms, garlic, tomato
puree, worc sauce, herbs and salt & pepper to taste, plus a splash of
water to keep it moist, and simmer, covered, on a low heat for about
10-15 mins. Meanwhile put the marrow rings in a large Pyrex dish and
cover, and microwave on medium in bursts of 2-3 mins, turning after each
burst, until the rings are softened but still have some 'bite' (not too
much or they go sloppy).

Preheat grill. When mince is done, arrange the marrow rings on a
heatproof tray or dish, spoon some mince into the centre of each one
until the hole is filled, then cover the whole slice with grated cheese.
Melt cheese under grill until golden and bubbling!

These are really nice served on a bed of white rice.



"Tim" <no > wrote:

> Hi
> I've been given a couple of large vegetable marrows and I haven't a clue
> what to do with them
> All the ideas I've found on Google haven't got my taste buds going so I
> thought I'd turn to you for some inspiration PLEASE HELP :-)
> BTW I'm not keen on sea food but apart from that will consider anything....
> Thank you for any help
> Tim


"He looked a fierce and quarrelsome cat, but claw he never would;
He only bit the ones he loved, because they tasted good." S. Greenfield