Brisket(Thanksgiving) Question
On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:19:55 -0400, Goomba38 >
>TammyM wrote:
>> Do you remember the Calling All Cooks episode that Kay and Aunt Irene
>> were on? I loved the bit where Aunt Irene chastises Kay for how she
>> prepped the onions! LOL. I still have that on video around here
>> somewhere....
>> TammyM
>Don'tcha miss those good ole days of RFC? <sigh>
>Actually, now that I think of it, I miss that show "Calling all Cooks"
I do indeed. We had so many knowledgeable posters then. Fewer OT
posts. People who knew how to snip appropriately :-) I'm blessed
that I have so many friends from the good old days with whom I keep in
touch and occasionally (all too infrequently!) get together. Jamie U.
and I are meeting up (again) next week when I'm in San Diego on