jay wrote:
> Good job.. I think. That was just a sample..there is a lot more. I'm not
> going to cook a recipe that is all guesswork though. Might as well just
> make something up. You could say gather up some stuff and throw it in
> there. Hey, that is how I really cook.
Adding my detailed redactions will be helpful, but it also limits the
cook's creativity to some degree. And, that's how I really cook, too!
One of the reasons I chose to stick with the original texts was because
I didn't want to present my modern interpretation, thus making it a
non-authentic creation.
One of the dishes I gave was for Meat of Cyprus in Lent, which is a
fishy blancmange. As far as I know it's the only copy on the net (for
now, lol). My interpretation of the dish has it molded and served
chilled with water crackers. It's absolutely delicious, but most would
have passed on a hot, fishy paste-- I think, anyway. Creativity is a
good thing. Use the original recipes as a base for your next
medievalish banquet-- or get anal and do your best to interpret the
dish as authentically as possible.