Marrow hell in the UK
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Steve Pope
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Marrow hell in the UK
Tim <no
> wrote:
> [attribution lost] wrote,
>> On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 16:24:57 GMT, "Tim" <no
> wrote:
>>> I've been given a couple of large vegetable marrows and I haven't a
>>> clue what to do with them
>> Marrow Curry?
>Hmm good point!
>Savoury "main coures" dishes I guess, although marrow curry washed down with
>marrow rum would be an experience :-)
A marrow is otherwise called a courgette or a summer squash.
You're in luck; here's a good courgette curry recipe:
Courgette Curry
2 Tbsp oil (e.g. canola oil)
1 Tbsp fenugreek (powdered)
1 Tbsp allspice (ground)
1/4 tbsp asotifaeda
5 cloves garlic, chopped
4 medium sized button mushrooms, chopped
2 fresh ripe juicy tomatoes, diced (peeled if you like)
small dash salt
1 Tbsp white vinegar
1/2 t honey
2 cinnamon sticks
4 or 5 courgettes (zuchinni), diced
1 small can tomato paste (only part will be needed)
Heat the oil in your saucepan, and when hot add the fenugreek,
allspice, asotifaeda and then the garlic. Heat gently for a few
minutes, stirring, adding the mushrooms, and then the tomatoes
and cinnamon sticks.
Add a very small dash of salt, cover and simmer this for awhile
(20 minutes is okay), remove the cinnamon, and add the vinegar
and honey and stir. Then, stir in just enough tomato paste so
that the sauce reaches the desired thickness. Add the
courgettes. Cover and simmer at least until tender; flavors will
improve with lonver simmering (one hour total is good).
Serve over basmati rice.
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Steve Pope
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