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Dan Goodman
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Default Need a really good salt substitute

"JNJ" > wrote in

>> MSG will enhance the flavors - certainly not 1/2 cup. Start with
>> maybe a teaspoon then taste.

> MSG typically has 1/3rd the volume of sodium found in table salt. A
> teaspoon of table salt has about 2,350mg of sodium so a teaspoon of
> MSG would have about 800mg of sodium. On the plus side, it usually
> takes less MSG to get the flavor one would use more salt for in a
> recipe.
> There are a number of drawbacks to MSG, primarily due to the G part
> and how it's manufactured. In the old days, it was extracted -- now
> it is made through a fermentation process. Anti-MSG types argue that
> it is laden with contaminants, and so forth (standard arguments
> against such items apply). Some folks are also sensitive to MSG (as in
> allergic). Ever heard of "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome"? That is
> thought to be caused by MSG. For some information from the anti-MSG
> faction, you can start at -- the site is no
> longer being updated but you can use it as a starting point. On the
> other hand, if you do the research you'll find plenty of support for
> MSG as a perfectly safe food additive.
> For those of us who need to be low sodium, in the end we need to avoid
> all sources of sodium as much as is possible -- including MSG. There
> are also some arguments against MSG for heart health reasons as well.

Citric acid (aka sour salt) is one substitute.

I really like Penzys Florida Seasoned Pepper. Besides pepper, the
ingredients are lemon peel, orange peel, critic acid, garlic, and onion.

Penzy Singapore Seasoning includes lemon peel and citric acid -- no salt.

Dan Goodman
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Whatever you wish for me, may you have twice as much.