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Default Only in the USA - Vegemite

Vegemite.... that nasty tasting black stuff? Good! Someone needed to
stop the spread of that stuff. Ugh!
"It's an acquired taste" doesn't even scratch the surface of


On Sun, 22 Oct 2006 09:58:05 GMT, Craig Welch >

> From
>There's no accounting for taste
>October 21, 2006 12:00am Article from: The Sunday Times
>THE US has banned Vegemite, even to the point of searching Australians
>for jars of the spread when they enter the country.
>The bizarre crackdown was prompted because Vegemite has been deemed
>illegal under US food laws.
>The great Aussie icon - faithfully carried around the world by
>travellers from downunder - contains folate, which under a technicality,
>America allows to be added only to breads and cereals.
>Australian expatriates in the US said enforcement of the ban had been
>gradually stepped up and was now ruining lifelong traditions of Vegemite
>on toast for breakfast.
>Kraft spokeswoman Joanna Scott said: "The (US) Food and Drug
>Administration doesn't allow the import of Vegemite simply because the
>recipe does have the addition of folic acid."
>The US was "a minor market'' for Vegemite, she said.

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