I scream for ice cream!!!
-L. wrote:
> I'd like a bittersweet recipe if you ever get a good one worked out. I
> have found adding a couple Ts of Karo light to the mix adds a
> smoothness you don't get otherwise. I have made mango ice cream in the
> past, but not perfected the recipe, yet.
> -L.
Well I've made about 10 or so batches of different ice creams and have
come to terms with the mysterious nature of my Krups...
Made a MOST AWESOME bittersweet chocolate ice cream yesterday... here's
how I did it.
100g 85% cocoa Lindt dark chocolate
3/4 cup superfine (castor) sugar
2 eggs
300ml full cream milk
450ml pure cream
1 vanilla pod, split
Heat milk with the vanilla pod to just below simmering.
In a double boiler (or s/s bowl over saucepan of simmering water) place
crushed chocolate and cream.
In a medium sized bowl beat the eggs and sugar until light and foamy.
Pour a little of the heated milk over eggs, stirring constantly. Keep
adding milk while stirring the egg/milk custard. Remove vanilla pod.
Pour custard back into the saucepan, place over low to medium flame and
stir until thickened. (about 5-10 minutes). Do not allow to boil.
Remove from heat and beat well and pour into a bowl. Place bowl in an
ice bath* and stir until cooled slightly.
Cover bowl with cling film and leave in ice bath.
Using a wooden spoon blend the chocolate / cream mix, until all
chocolate has melted and been incorporated into the cream. Beat well.
Allow to cool slightly, then beat gradually into the custard mixture.
Cover bowl with cling film & return to the ice bath.
Place in fridge for about 1 hour, then process according to ice cream
maker's instructions.
Seriously, seriously delicious!!
* I use stainless steel bowls - 1 large, 1 medium. Add 2 trays of ice
to the larger bowl and add about 500ml cold water. Place medium bowl
into the larger bowl and allow to chill down while making custard. This
'stops' the cooking process once the custard is made and helps bring
the temp down fairly rapidly. Tried it with glass, but s/s works far
When making two batches of ice-cream back to back (Krups says to
re-freeze icm for 24 hours before making a batch!!) I immerse the icm
into the ice bath while it churns. Prevents the icm warming up,
particularly on hot days.
"Never trust a skinny cook!"
Peaches are now coming into season - will be trying out the peach &
vodka recipe Christine Dabney posted very, very soon!! (will wait till
they drop in price a tad though, currently sitting on $10/kg)