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Midlife Midlife is offline
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Posts: 47
Default Looking for a New Wine Vendor

in article , filmzombi
wrote on 10/19/06 11:42 AM:

> I am looking for a vendor that will sell us Kendall Jackson Chardonay
> for our restaurant in Campbell, CA. Our current vendors don't carry
> Kendall Jackson Chardonay.
> Thank,
> David

When the group is through chastising you for carrying KJ you may still want
an answer to your question. In the everyday world of the un-annointed, KJ
Chard is a popular restaurant wine. It and Blackstone Merlot are probably
consumed by more people than consume Two Buck Chuck (you should pardon the
expression on this board).

Anyway...... from what I know of the industry, KJ is distributed by Regal,
which is owned by the same people as KJ (Jess jackson, et al). I'd be
surprised if it was available from anyone else. I'd call KJ and ask their
sales department who is selling restaurant accounts in Campbell.