Jack Schidt® wrote:
> "j*ni p." > wrote in message
> ...
>>Hark! I heard say:
>>>On Tue, 07 Oct 2003 10:31:19 GMT, "Jack Schidt®"
> wrote:
>>>>And, as some of us from the more northern latitudes will attest, rub
> some on
>>>>a snow shovel and the snow won't stick to it.
>>>>Jack Frost
>>>Pam works a lot neater. Try it across the bottom of your garage door
>>Okay, call me an ignoramus, but why would one want to oil the
>>bottom of a garage door?
> Water gets under them and in winter will freeze, causing the door to stick
> when trying to open it. A coating of oil will keep the water from bonding
> with the bottom of the door (usually lined with some type of
> weatherstripping, rubber and whatnot) and the concrete garage floor.
> Jack Overhead
Hmm, perhaps not all of us are from the frozen north. Never heard of
that one before, but then, I don't live on the Tundra, like Harry.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener