On 2004-05-30, Glenn Jacobs > wrote:
> Someone in this group was planning to build a snail farm. I don't remember
> the name. I wonder if they have made any progress and might have some
> words of wisdom.
In CA, the common garden snail is the same as the French snail used for
escargot. The state is lousy with 'em. I think almost everyone here has
considered raising them for profit after some newspaper ran a story about a
French restauranteur who, while visiting, discovered we were doing our
damndest to kill off what he was doing his damndest to find a supply of. He
was so freaked on the hordes of little slime buckets, he moved here and
started up a big snail farm in Marin county to export snails back to France.
Pretty soon, every paper was runnning snail raising articles in the food
The whole thing peaked back in the early days of the dot.com boom when
everyone started making and blowing wads of money on more trendy and silly
things and the hipness of having a box full of slugs in the back yard lost
it's slime ..er... sheen.
There's still a couple websites still doing it, though:
Be considerate of others and
trim your posts. Thank you.